About Us
My name is Inez Musgrove and I live in Victoria Australia. Murphy is my very clever and beautiful Jack Russell Terrier. This site is dedicated to him and the pleasure he has giving me..... and this is our story!
I have always felt Murphy was "meant to be" part of the Musgrove family.
When we discovered our old pet Jack Russell, "JR", was not well and was soon to go to the Rainbow Bridge, I rang many breeders as I loved the character of the breed and wanted another Jack as our pet, but found there wasn’t a puppy available anywhere.
A fortnight later, on the afternoon of the day we sent JR to heaven, Faye Foster from Inverbrae Kennels, rang out of the blue. She said she had a "boy" which she felt she would like me to come and have a look at - we saw, we liked, and we brought our new "pet" Jack Russell Terrier home.
Surrounded by friends would be how I would describe Murphy’s launch into the showing world.
One of my friends, an All Breeds Judge Judy Horton, who visits where I work (and where Murphy accompanies me of course) kept saying to me that he was too nice not to be shown, but I wasn’t interested in showing at all!
Judy, together with Faye, my friend Anna Deane, (who breeds Boxers and has shown dogs for 30 years) and Margaret Joyce (an All Breeds Judge) eventually wore me down! Murphy was now 18 months old, and the 2004 Jack Russell Terrier Open and Championship Show were coming up so we decided we’d show just for fun. I took him to see Faye at the Showgrounds about a month before the show and she took one look at him and declared “carrots, diet, too fat” – he was like a hippopotamus!
What a wonderful team effort to get him to the show, Margaret grooming him, Anna and Margaret giving lessons to him and me to get ready for the big day. Judy handled him at the Open Show and although his dad beat him for Best in Show, Murphy won Runner up Best in Show - well that got me hooked!
Murphy has gone from strength to strength from that day on and in the space of 5 months went from no points to his Championship title!
Murphy aka Murphy the Wonderdog loves showing, second only to playing with other dogs and food of any description, and with the combination of good friends and an exceptionally smart, perky and well put together Jack Russell, we are having a lot of fun!